to What’s the Beat with Branee
am so happy for you to join on this journey in exploring the theme of
so we are all on the same page, let’s get a bit of background information.
music we know today was not haphazard. It required centuries of fine-tuning,
trial and error, and many many successes. However, one of the core themes of Music is the degree of versatility
of musicians and their work. Many musicians are well-versed in singing,
composing, producing, and of course, playing instruments.
look at how much fun this guy is having with not one, not two, but 90 instruments:
Musicians specifically in the Caribbean in addition to playing their instruments are also leading church choirs, being songwriters, and repairing or tuning instruments.
Versatile musician Mozart
was a child prodigy but didn’t survive off
playing and composing his music. He also “taught private lessons, composite he completed works for commission and gained his
long-sought tenure.”
can be found in many other areas besides music. One example of this can be
food. Many sought-after chefs are well-versed in the food preparation of many
international dishes.
example of food versatility can be seen in local restaurants namely Twisted
Lime. Chefs here are well-versed in Bahamian and international dishes including
Greek, Mexican and Italian.
Be sure to share this blog with everyone you
Until next time signing off as
… Branee’ T. - Chief Versatilist Consultant
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